Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Not sure if everyone knows that I have other blogs here or not but in case you are interested you can . find them over at MarksvilleandMe. I will try and work on adding page tabs to the top here so it will be easier for my readers to see everything I have on the internet but until then you can see everything I have by visiting MarksvilleandMe which has all of the tabs to my blogs. Thank you again for your support throughout the years.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Financial Melt Down in Marksville
Shortly after my last post things seemed to all fall apart. My husband's checks were missing from the post office as were mine, which caused a snowball effect since most of our bills are automatic payments which come out of our account it went bad real fast. Just days before this happened, I was driving our van with our girls inside and the breaks just stopped working. I took it right away to the repair shop and they fixed it and got me on my way of course I wrote a check knowing our money would be in the bank that Monday. Yep it wasn't there, this is when the checks were missing. Big mess. Now on top of all of that our rent was late, and I mean really late.
Then I noticed that my husband's unemployment had not been deposited for a few weeks and that made things even worse. Our financial outlook was in the dumps really bad, we saw red everywhere with no black in site.
The rest of November and most of December we were in a state of panic to pay the landlord, the car repair shop, our other bills, keep food on the table, and of course get a few gifts for my oldest two children as well as my mother-in-law. Everyone else was taken care of and Dennis and I can always wait till Birthday time to spoil ourselves a bit, but it was just weighing heavy on everyone including our children.
During this time we fought a bit more then I would like to admit, but thankfully we are a big family and we helped each other get through the yelling, tears, and frustration. Money started to roll in again and we were able to pay almost everything off except our landlord. We still have one more set of checks this month which will go to pay our landlord and our telephone/internet bill. Then we will be pretty much back on track.
We are still awaiting my husband's gas reimbursement from his insurance company which was received by them the first week of September. They assure us they are working on it. The last time we sent one in, it only took them 15 days to get it done. We have a whole bunch more to give them but won't until they cut the last check. I am thankful that his lawyer and his insurance company have been so good to him while he is injured but sometimes even we get a bit impatient.
I will get to how Christmas was later but wanted you to know that God blessed us and all worked out, we made it through a rough time. Thankfully we didn't have to borrow from anyone. God knows we do not like to owe anyone anything. I know the few people we do owe. That list consists of two people, wonderful friends how helped us out in our time of need who I keep putting on the back burner. We also came up with plans to safe guard as much as possible in case this should happen again, of course after we get back on track fully from this mess first. It does pay to prepare and thankfully my couponing and stockpiling sure were a great help during this time. I am ever thankful for God giving me the means to be able to do this for our family. Time and again it has shown it's worth.
Then I noticed that my husband's unemployment had not been deposited for a few weeks and that made things even worse. Our financial outlook was in the dumps really bad, we saw red everywhere with no black in site.
The rest of November and most of December we were in a state of panic to pay the landlord, the car repair shop, our other bills, keep food on the table, and of course get a few gifts for my oldest two children as well as my mother-in-law. Everyone else was taken care of and Dennis and I can always wait till Birthday time to spoil ourselves a bit, but it was just weighing heavy on everyone including our children.
During this time we fought a bit more then I would like to admit, but thankfully we are a big family and we helped each other get through the yelling, tears, and frustration. Money started to roll in again and we were able to pay almost everything off except our landlord. We still have one more set of checks this month which will go to pay our landlord and our telephone/internet bill. Then we will be pretty much back on track.
We are still awaiting my husband's gas reimbursement from his insurance company which was received by them the first week of September. They assure us they are working on it. The last time we sent one in, it only took them 15 days to get it done. We have a whole bunch more to give them but won't until they cut the last check. I am thankful that his lawyer and his insurance company have been so good to him while he is injured but sometimes even we get a bit impatient.
I will get to how Christmas was later but wanted you to know that God blessed us and all worked out, we made it through a rough time. Thankfully we didn't have to borrow from anyone. God knows we do not like to owe anyone anything. I know the few people we do owe. That list consists of two people, wonderful friends how helped us out in our time of need who I keep putting on the back burner. We also came up with plans to safe guard as much as possible in case this should happen again, of course after we get back on track fully from this mess first. It does pay to prepare and thankfully my couponing and stockpiling sure were a great help during this time. I am ever thankful for God giving me the means to be able to do this for our family. Time and again it has shown it's worth.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Autumn Photos in Marksville
Even though we took these a few weeks ago I thought my readers might want to see the pictures we took. My husband is not present as he couldn't walk as far as we had for the pictures. Also missing are my sons Buke, Bryan, and my daughter Samantha. With a busy family it is rare we can get everyone together for photos so these will just have to do.
Dennise, Deanna, Dorothy, and my grand daughter Lilly.
My grand daughterLilly
Dorothy, Deanna, Lilly, and Dennise
Dorothy, Deanna, and Lilly skipping.
Dorothy, Lilly, and Deanna running.
Dorothy just hanging around.
Dennise taking some time for a self portrait.
Lilly and Mama (Me)
Dorothy and Lilly
As you can see not all pictures come out great but look at these faces.
At least in this one they were all looking in the same direction just not the cameras.
Deanna and Dorothy
Dorothy pretending to be a Turkey
Dennise and I
Our first time using the timing feature but here we all are.
I think this came out really well.
Dennise said hey mom and I looked back at her.
Hope you enjoyed our Autumn Pictures.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Back on my feet again.
Almost a month has gone by and there has been so much that has happened. I guess I will start with first and foremost, then work from there.
I have been battling severe pain under my ribs on the right side in on my back for over 4 weeks. I tried heat, resting, and working through it. Nothing worked and it was getting worse so yesterday I broke down and went to the Dr.
Thankfully it is not my kidneys which already have damage from when I was younger, but I do have a big knot near my spine in the back that will not loosen and has been causing all of the pain. My Dr. ordered muscle relaxers and said if after a week I am not showing improvement then I will start physical therapy. So as I am writing this I have a heating pad on my back and trying to take it easy.
I took the muscle relaxers yesterday afternoon and they made me really drowsy, then another before I went to bed. I know I made it into bed but other then that I must have been out really fast because the next thing I know the kids were getting ready for school and arguing about something to do with shoes. I fell back to sleep and the next time I looked up it was 9:41 and 10:10 before I was up and out of bed.
So here I am trying to catch up on everything with my blogs that I was doing minimal work on for the last month, and we won't even go into how backed up my email is. I am just thankful that I am still alive and well, being able to be here for my family. God is good.
I have been battling severe pain under my ribs on the right side in on my back for over 4 weeks. I tried heat, resting, and working through it. Nothing worked and it was getting worse so yesterday I broke down and went to the Dr.
Thankfully it is not my kidneys which already have damage from when I was younger, but I do have a big knot near my spine in the back that will not loosen and has been causing all of the pain. My Dr. ordered muscle relaxers and said if after a week I am not showing improvement then I will start physical therapy. So as I am writing this I have a heating pad on my back and trying to take it easy.
I took the muscle relaxers yesterday afternoon and they made me really drowsy, then another before I went to bed. I know I made it into bed but other then that I must have been out really fast because the next thing I know the kids were getting ready for school and arguing about something to do with shoes. I fell back to sleep and the next time I looked up it was 9:41 and 10:10 before I was up and out of bed.
So here I am trying to catch up on everything with my blogs that I was doing minimal work on for the last month, and we won't even go into how backed up my email is. I am just thankful that I am still alive and well, being able to be here for my family. God is good.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
23rd & 24th Anniversary
Shortly after this year started I was diagnosed with Fibromylagia, and then Dennis had an accident at work which has kept him out of work. Dennis is used to being in charge and for the first time he had to depend on everyone around him. How quickly we learn just who cares. He is slowly healing, just not as fast as he would have hoped. Through it all God has moved in our lives and has provided for us the whole time.
We are blessed to have our grand daughter Lillyann who we love with all of our hearts as well as her sister Alaina Faith who is due in February. We also welcome in our Daughter-in-law to be Taylor Simmons who will be married to our son in the spring of 2014. Our dreams have come true through our children.
When we first thought about our lives together we envisioned 6 children, grand children, and even great grand children, filled with many years of laughter and love along the way. Of course we have had days of sorrow, loss, anger and even days when we were ready to throw in the towel, but the Taurus in both of us wouldn't let it happen.
People have asked us how we do it. First of all we have always taken time for date night. Over the years the kids have realized that these days are important not only for us but also for the family. We have had date nights were we didn't have any money to times where we could splurge and everyone of them is just as important as any other. We are able to take time for each other and also talk about things we would like to do or see happen in the future.
Second we try to keep things light. When most people would be worried about things, we laugh over them, or find something to laugh about during the situation. See Dennis is very Pessimistic while I on the other hand am very optimistic. Like I said we are both Taurus's so we tend to butt heads a lot but when all is said and done we usually end up somewhere in the middle, on common ground if you will.
About half way into our marriage my prayers to God finally worked out and Dennis my husband was saved. It took the passing of my father and many years in between of going to church on and off for God to work all things out, but it did happen. I do caution though to be careful for what you pray for, and try to talk to your spouse about what they might be praying for.
About 6 years ago I was praying for patience and Dennis happened to be too, we did not know until everything was over with, but we ended up being homeless. We moved from our trailer to a house so our kids would have more room and soon after I became ill and had to stop working my better paying job. Actually I only kept the other job because we needed the money to make rent, and the Dr. agreed as long as I had something to sit on he would allow me to work. Shortly after this we are told we had to vacate the house, that the landlords had not payed their mortgage, that they were not suppose to be renting the house out, and that they couldn't be found. We learned patience really well over the next 3 months. Being pregnant, working full time, and trying to care for 5 kids with no place to stay was not fun at all. Dennis slept on the cement landing outside of his job while I slept in the car with the kids. We did the best we could till we ended up where we are now. Patience is something we both now have.
The beginning of this year I started to pray for my husband and again unknown to me he was also praying for himself. Shortly after he had the accident at work which has like I said caused him to not be able to work. Even though we didn't want to go through either of the above things in our lives we have learned so much along the way. It doesn't make us perfect, but through it all we have gained more then lost, which has strengthened our marriage that much more.
Each day we learn about each other, and yes even 24 years later we are still learning about each other. We have cried together, laughed together, gotten angry together, and yes even made mistakes together, but the one thing we have always had is each other, and of course God's every lasting patience and guidance through it all. We have more yet to learn and are a little excited to see what the years ahead have to to offer.
Dennis is not only my husband he is my best friend, over the years we have confided the depths of our hearts to each other, and even when we haven't agreed with each other, we have always found that in the end it always strengthens our tie to each other. Marriage takes a lot of love, faith, hope, patience, compromising, and holding on when all others would love to see you fail. I am very blessed with my husband and my children. I love them all.
In closing I will say what my parents said to me. "Choose right the first time"
Sunday, September 8, 2013
First week of school here in Marksville
Here are my last three girls ready for school. Dennise who is in 11th, Deanna who is in 5th and Dorothy who is in 1st this year. as you can see they were up and ready with bells on this year. Last year they missed the bus because the alarm clocks were not set, and we never got the first day of school pictures.
Dorothy needed a bigger book bag so we splurged and bought her one from Pottery Barn that she liked and had our last name printed on it. We would have had Marksville but they only go up to 9 characters. As you can see she is more then ready to get out the door and on the bus.
Of course I have to take the funny face pictures so here they all are again.
Deanna is ready to go as well. She was all about the cowboy boots this year. She too got a new book bag, but only because it wasn't the right size for Dennise, but she loved it so we kept it. Hers too says our last name on the back.
Now the picture I took of Dennise by herself on the first didn't come out well and the bus was outside so she snapped a picture of herself the second day before going out to the bus. The most exciting thing that happened on her first day was a massive nose bleed caused by our blood disorder. She freaked some of the teachers out, while scaring other half to death, and the high school nurse was overwhelmed with the nose bleed so she called the elementary nurse to come and take care of it. Luckily the elementary nurse worked in another school system where this sort of blood disease is well known, so after a call home to make sure they were doing everything they needed for her, everything was fine. I am just a bit upset that the high school nurse was unable or unwilling to be able to take care of a nose bleed, what will she do if it something worse comes along? Anyways Dennise made it through the rest of the day just fine and we were all thankful her cousin Teasha helped her out a bit when it started.
Here it is the night before the first full week of school, and I am just getting this up. The kids started last Thursday with High school pictures being on Friday. Friday I took Dennis to pick up the new machine for his leg, an even though his company pays for it they put the receipt in the box. Just under $1,400. I can't say this enough but I am so thankful to God my husband did this damage to his leg at work because I have no idea how someone who doesn't have insurance for this kind of accident could ever afford to keep there bills paid on top of being able to afford the care they need to heal correctly.
Yesterday Samantha and Lilly moved back home officially. Things might still work out between David and Samantha but not under his parents roof right now, they need time away from each other. Samantha is going to save up to move out into her own place again but as for now she is home again.
Today was the start of Soccer for both Deanna and Dorothy. I didn't take pictures this week but rest assured next week you are in for a treat. Both girls kept the same coaches they had last year which is awesome. Next week Daisies start up again for Dorothy and until Dennise joins anything at school that is about it for us, which will keep us busy enough for a while.
As you can tell there is always something going on in Marksville, so you never know what tomorrow will bring.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Prayers for my cousin Mary and her husband Maurice
I realized after my last post I didn't tell you about my visit with my cousin Mary and her husband Maurice when they came to visit from Canada. I am just glad they were able to make another trip down this close to their last trip since I missed out that time. We talked for hours and had a good time, she was even able to meet one of my brothers for the first time.
I would like to ask for prayers for Mary as she is having a bit of a bleeding problem which she was telling me about while she was visiting. Her Dr. had said it was normal and then after she was home for a few days she ended up in the hospital and they confirmed that it was not normal they did some tests, and are going in to take a biopsy, then depending on what they can get out or find they may have to go back in for more surgery. Also a prayer for her husband as he also has surgery planned this month, which means a lot on both of their plates since our family is here in the US, and Maurice just lost his mother a few months back.
From left to right you have Maurice, Mary, me, Dennis and Deanna in the front. Dorothy was busy playing with the neighbors and Dennise took the picture for us. This also happened to be my mother's birthday which was August 25th, so having family near made it that much more special.
I would like to ask for prayers for Mary as she is having a bit of a bleeding problem which she was telling me about while she was visiting. Her Dr. had said it was normal and then after she was home for a few days she ended up in the hospital and they confirmed that it was not normal they did some tests, and are going in to take a biopsy, then depending on what they can get out or find they may have to go back in for more surgery. Also a prayer for her husband as he also has surgery planned this month, which means a lot on both of their plates since our family is here in the US, and Maurice just lost his mother a few months back.
From left to right you have Maurice, Mary, me, Dennis and Deanna in the front. Dorothy was busy playing with the neighbors and Dennise took the picture for us. This also happened to be my mother's birthday which was August 25th, so having family near made it that much more special.
Friday, August 30, 2013
School Shopping is done
We went and officially finished school shopping the other day. Just a few years ago we only had about 50.00 to spend on each of our 6 children, and I have to give God all of the glory of being able to afford for the last few years clothing and supplies for my children. Yes I still look for the deals, but we were able to splurge on a few items for the kids, which made them really super excited about returning to school this year.
My couponing, rebating, and online work are really starting to pay off, and to think I am still small fries to other sites out there, but everyday we see growth and that is all that matters. I will ride this out as long as the good Lord sees fit. He has blessed us so much this year.
We also had time to stop in see Bryan dropping off bedding, posters, and socks that he needed. He is now in a private home with other boys. He can stay there until he is 18-21 or until he can get an apartment of his own, or decide to still come home. He will now be going to a public school and is quite excited to see how that goes.
Right now Bryan has a cast on his leg do to an injury he had shortly after moving to the private school, and for some reason the bone fused the wrong way which makes him walk with is foot sideways,so they are trying a cast first to re-position the foot before they decide to operate by re-breaking the bone and resetting it. They might even have to put in some hardware so that his foot will pivot the right way. They tried to say his foot was that way always but he had no problem walking and then after the fall on the basketball court at his school he never walked right again. So unless that injury caused the problem to surface they are full of it. Either way he is walking around on it so God willing it will heal without surgery.
It was nice to be outside for a change. the kids playing basketball, chase, and just had a all around good time. Leaving is always hard for me, but I know he is only a phone call away, and the next visit is only around the corner.
I try to make sure I always take my camera up when we visit so I can capture a picture, since I can't just take pictures anytime I would like. We took this picture as the sun was coming out and minutes later we were all sweating pretty bad from the heat. Thanks to the sweet lady who took our picture for us. Missing are Buke, Taylor, Samantha, and David.
Oh that is right Samantha and David worked things out and she is staying at the house with his family. That got us jump started on finishing Bryan's old room to make into a guest room for that just in case, and also for when Lilly spends the night.
I am proud to say that so far his room has gone from a hoarders dream to being totally cleaned out.It was OK when Lilly used it as a room while living here, but it was never totally emptied out until now. The kids were just throwing everything they didn't want into there they didn't know what to do with including, dirty clothes, papers, toys, and boxes. We did find a few things we had been looking for like scissors, towels, and some of my shirts, which were borrowed by my older two girls but never were returned.
Tonight I will be sweeping and mopping the room, and then Dennis is going to try and paint as long as his leg can take it. The room is one of the smallest and he can always sit down in between if he gets tired. We just want it done and usable. We have worked on so many things around the house this summer but it always seems like when you fix something you find something else that needs working on.
As for our landlord fixing things he stopped with his men leaving a big mess in our yard and our basement. Dennis and he had words and he knows now that he will not be paid rent until he gets everything done that he said he would. Some things go back 6 years while some things like the raining in our closet is new. It is time he spends more then a few days fixing our home up, then leaving before they are done, fixing things right, while making us happy renters.
MarksvilleandMe hopes everyone else who has children or who has to go to school is ready and that you too have something to look forward too.
My couponing, rebating, and online work are really starting to pay off, and to think I am still small fries to other sites out there, but everyday we see growth and that is all that matters. I will ride this out as long as the good Lord sees fit. He has blessed us so much this year.
We also had time to stop in see Bryan dropping off bedding, posters, and socks that he needed. He is now in a private home with other boys. He can stay there until he is 18-21 or until he can get an apartment of his own, or decide to still come home. He will now be going to a public school and is quite excited to see how that goes.
Right now Bryan has a cast on his leg do to an injury he had shortly after moving to the private school, and for some reason the bone fused the wrong way which makes him walk with is foot sideways,so they are trying a cast first to re-position the foot before they decide to operate by re-breaking the bone and resetting it. They might even have to put in some hardware so that his foot will pivot the right way. They tried to say his foot was that way always but he had no problem walking and then after the fall on the basketball court at his school he never walked right again. So unless that injury caused the problem to surface they are full of it. Either way he is walking around on it so God willing it will heal without surgery.
It was nice to be outside for a change. the kids playing basketball, chase, and just had a all around good time. Leaving is always hard for me, but I know he is only a phone call away, and the next visit is only around the corner.
I try to make sure I always take my camera up when we visit so I can capture a picture, since I can't just take pictures anytime I would like. We took this picture as the sun was coming out and minutes later we were all sweating pretty bad from the heat. Thanks to the sweet lady who took our picture for us. Missing are Buke, Taylor, Samantha, and David.
Oh that is right Samantha and David worked things out and she is staying at the house with his family. That got us jump started on finishing Bryan's old room to make into a guest room for that just in case, and also for when Lilly spends the night.
I am proud to say that so far his room has gone from a hoarders dream to being totally cleaned out.It was OK when Lilly used it as a room while living here, but it was never totally emptied out until now. The kids were just throwing everything they didn't want into there they didn't know what to do with including, dirty clothes, papers, toys, and boxes. We did find a few things we had been looking for like scissors, towels, and some of my shirts, which were borrowed by my older two girls but never were returned.
Tonight I will be sweeping and mopping the room, and then Dennis is going to try and paint as long as his leg can take it. The room is one of the smallest and he can always sit down in between if he gets tired. We just want it done and usable. We have worked on so many things around the house this summer but it always seems like when you fix something you find something else that needs working on.
As for our landlord fixing things he stopped with his men leaving a big mess in our yard and our basement. Dennis and he had words and he knows now that he will not be paid rent until he gets everything done that he said he would. Some things go back 6 years while some things like the raining in our closet is new. It is time he spends more then a few days fixing our home up, then leaving before they are done, fixing things right, while making us happy renters.
MarksvilleandMe hopes everyone else who has children or who has to go to school is ready and that you too have something to look forward too.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Oh what a day.
First thing this morning I took Dennise for her check up, which went well, although he did send us for blood work up just in case, then we stopped and did a quick run through of walmart, I found two new shirts for myself, an outfit for Dorothy, some jewlery and shirt for Dennise, then stopped to get gas.
We stopped to get a burger and when we were about to leave I got a call from Samantha, she was crying, I asked her where she was, she told me, and I told her we were nearby so she met us in the Burger King parking lot. Remember me saying she had her own apartment, then moved out to live with her boyfriend's family? Well she is home again. thousands of dollars shorter on money because she helped his parent pay for security, first, and last months rent to be able to get in there.
I feel really bad for her as she has to start all over again, but thankful we have the room for her to return home again. On top of that a broken heart. Please pray for her as well, because the other day she had a bit of bleeding and discharge, they did check on the baby and the heart beat was fine and she sees the Dr. again this week to check on the baby again.
She didn't have stress when she was pregnant for Lilly and so far between moving, working, and relationship problems she has had nothing but, don't get me wrong he is a nice guy but I think going from his mother doing everything for him to being in a relationship with a girl with a small child already and then jumping into having one of their own was just too much for him, then after moving back in with his mother he went back to her doing things for him again. Samantha is just a bit more mature and wants to do it herself, if she wanted a mother's help she would have stayed home living here.
I just hope she stays home long enough this time to get fully back on her feet. She had planned to take 6 months off when she had the baby in February, and then return to work, while going for her RN, but now she isn't sure if she will be able to take that much time off or not. Time will tell how things go, but all I want for my children is for them to be Happy, and happy she isn't.
We took Lilly when we left Burger King, so she could go to work. I have been sending her messages all night to help her through. Since Lilly has been born she has had a schedule and ever since Samantha had someone closer to where she was living watching Lilly she went from going to sleep on her own, potty training, and eating on her own which she has been doing since before she was a year old, to having someone have to feed her, not going potty, and staying up to all hours of the night.
Since I still had to do my job today we stopped home to get my paperwork, then Dennise and Lilly went with me. I was able to get both jobs done pretty quickly then we stopped at Kmart and picked up a dress for Dorothy for school, and a pair of hot pink shoes for Deanna.
At home we had steak, squash, salad, and baked potato for dinner. A call came in for me and thankfully I took it because they pulled my name from the same place I got my other two jobs and I have yet another job to do which I can do anytime it fits into my schedule, which is sweet if I can keep my jobs coming this way. Dennis also told me I got a call earlier about another job, which I will call back tomorrow, as by the time we got home, had dinner, and settled it was too late to call back. So my fingers are crossed I can pick up this job as well.
As I said before God is good, and even though things don't always go the way we think they should, he always knows what is best. Thankful for my family and the love of Christ in my life.
We stopped to get a burger and when we were about to leave I got a call from Samantha, she was crying, I asked her where she was, she told me, and I told her we were nearby so she met us in the Burger King parking lot. Remember me saying she had her own apartment, then moved out to live with her boyfriend's family? Well she is home again. thousands of dollars shorter on money because she helped his parent pay for security, first, and last months rent to be able to get in there.
I feel really bad for her as she has to start all over again, but thankful we have the room for her to return home again. On top of that a broken heart. Please pray for her as well, because the other day she had a bit of bleeding and discharge, they did check on the baby and the heart beat was fine and she sees the Dr. again this week to check on the baby again.
She didn't have stress when she was pregnant for Lilly and so far between moving, working, and relationship problems she has had nothing but, don't get me wrong he is a nice guy but I think going from his mother doing everything for him to being in a relationship with a girl with a small child already and then jumping into having one of their own was just too much for him, then after moving back in with his mother he went back to her doing things for him again. Samantha is just a bit more mature and wants to do it herself, if she wanted a mother's help she would have stayed home living here.
I just hope she stays home long enough this time to get fully back on her feet. She had planned to take 6 months off when she had the baby in February, and then return to work, while going for her RN, but now she isn't sure if she will be able to take that much time off or not. Time will tell how things go, but all I want for my children is for them to be Happy, and happy she isn't.
We took Lilly when we left Burger King, so she could go to work. I have been sending her messages all night to help her through. Since Lilly has been born she has had a schedule and ever since Samantha had someone closer to where she was living watching Lilly she went from going to sleep on her own, potty training, and eating on her own which she has been doing since before she was a year old, to having someone have to feed her, not going potty, and staying up to all hours of the night.
Since I still had to do my job today we stopped home to get my paperwork, then Dennise and Lilly went with me. I was able to get both jobs done pretty quickly then we stopped at Kmart and picked up a dress for Dorothy for school, and a pair of hot pink shoes for Deanna.
At home we had steak, squash, salad, and baked potato for dinner. A call came in for me and thankfully I took it because they pulled my name from the same place I got my other two jobs and I have yet another job to do which I can do anytime it fits into my schedule, which is sweet if I can keep my jobs coming this way. Dennis also told me I got a call earlier about another job, which I will call back tomorrow, as by the time we got home, had dinner, and settled it was too late to call back. So my fingers are crossed I can pick up this job as well.
As I said before God is good, and even though things don't always go the way we think they should, he always knows what is best. Thankful for my family and the love of Christ in my life.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Update on Dennis
Dennis had a Dr.'s appointment a few weeks back to find out the results of the MRI he had. We found out that his knee has lots of arthritis in it, along with the news that he will need a total knee replacement down the road. As for how his leg is doing from the surgery after his accident at work, more bad news.
The Dr. wants to see him back in 8 weeks, he ordered him a e-stem machine for use at home, and pretty much said that he could continue with physical therapy if he would like but he doesn't see the need for it anymore. He did however want Dennis to get in a pool and see if he can strengthen his leg by doing workouts in the water.
The MRI showed that his leg healed real nice in one area, while another area pretty much shows no progress. Dennis still has no control over the lower part of his leg and can only feel things with his feet while walking and upper leg while the shin and calf area feel to him like they are not there. The Dr. doesn't have an answer for it but looked very concerned that is why we are going back in 8 weeks.
Not sure what the Dr.'s will do next, but personally I am thinking nerve damage, either in his back from when he fell or in his lower leg somewhere. He does walk with a cane but is in a lot of pain while doing so. We have a handicap placard now so we can park near the storee, but he uses one of those electric carts where available to make shopping easier.
He has been a bit upset about the results and missed a few physical therapy appointments. Besides the Dr. didn't look to happy when Dennis told him the things the therapist was doing with him. Some of the things that could be the problem with his progress could either be it just isn't healing or that he is overworking it. Let's just say after therapy he comes home and is in pain and takes a nap, but he always does what the therapist says including the exercises at home. So I guess as far as his leg goes I will update as soon as we know more.
Most of you know while Dennis has been on Workman's comp, his company laid off some of the people, Dennis included, his company is paying for them to return to college, which is a sweet deal if you ask me, and will help out a lot since this might be it for his leg getting any better. He had a meeting this week, and is still moving ahead with getting things going.
Even though we have been discouraged a bit by the news, we know that God has a plan and will follow where he takes us. We don't always go quietly but he is persistent and waits for us. He is so awesome. With that being said please keep our family in your prayers.
The Dr. wants to see him back in 8 weeks, he ordered him a e-stem machine for use at home, and pretty much said that he could continue with physical therapy if he would like but he doesn't see the need for it anymore. He did however want Dennis to get in a pool and see if he can strengthen his leg by doing workouts in the water.
The MRI showed that his leg healed real nice in one area, while another area pretty much shows no progress. Dennis still has no control over the lower part of his leg and can only feel things with his feet while walking and upper leg while the shin and calf area feel to him like they are not there. The Dr. doesn't have an answer for it but looked very concerned that is why we are going back in 8 weeks.
Not sure what the Dr.'s will do next, but personally I am thinking nerve damage, either in his back from when he fell or in his lower leg somewhere. He does walk with a cane but is in a lot of pain while doing so. We have a handicap placard now so we can park near the storee, but he uses one of those electric carts where available to make shopping easier.
He has been a bit upset about the results and missed a few physical therapy appointments. Besides the Dr. didn't look to happy when Dennis told him the things the therapist was doing with him. Some of the things that could be the problem with his progress could either be it just isn't healing or that he is overworking it. Let's just say after therapy he comes home and is in pain and takes a nap, but he always does what the therapist says including the exercises at home. So I guess as far as his leg goes I will update as soon as we know more.
Most of you know while Dennis has been on Workman's comp, his company laid off some of the people, Dennis included, his company is paying for them to return to college, which is a sweet deal if you ask me, and will help out a lot since this might be it for his leg getting any better. He had a meeting this week, and is still moving ahead with getting things going.
Even though we have been discouraged a bit by the news, we know that God has a plan and will follow where he takes us. We don't always go quietly but he is persistent and waits for us. He is so awesome. With that being said please keep our family in your prayers.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A few more weeks
Wow a few weeks and then school will be starting here in Marksville, where does the time go? When you live in Marksville things are always busy. Big families take up a lot of time, not in a bad way, but in a great way.
I left off with the visit with my sisters Penny and Bonnie. I had missed out on meeting up with my cousin Mary and her husband Maurice from Canada, but luckily they are making another trip down here next week so we get to spend time together then.
Next week we will take a trip up to see Bryan in his new group home. He moved from the Private School to a group home, or will be hopefully by this Friday. While we are out I want to stop in and see my sister Bonnie, dropping her off things she doesn't have, but needs. Even though she lives in a assisted living home, they don't provide things like band aids, and I noticed that her heals are cracked really bad so I want to drop off some great cream and foot socks to help repair her feet.
Talking of moving. Samantha and David moved in with David's parents into one of my Dream Homes. Yes a home I have been eyeing for years, but from things Samantha has told me I wouldn't like much more then the space, Kitchen, and fireplaces, she said I would be really disappointed with the bathrooms, so I guess it really isn't my Dream Home after all, besides when they remodeled it they tore off the Green House which was the big seller for me.
For now they are trying things out to see how things go. They are paying about a third of the rent. Samantha plans on taking 6 months off once she has the baby, and then returning to work while going for her RN. They seem to have a plan and I wish them all the luck in the world to make their dreams come true. Oh by the way Samantha is officially a CNA.
We have been keeping ourselves busy with the normal, physical therapy, and Dr. appointments for Dennis, swimming and hanging out with friends for the girls. We have had many friends over this summer. Shopping, cleaning, and spending time with the kids has taken up most of the rest of the time. With all of this we have kept our date nights going, which is a God send. It gives us time for just ourselves while strengthening our marriage. More about that later.
Anyways there is so much to catch up everyone I and so little time for me to get it all down. I must get going so I can get dinner prepared for the family, but rest assured I shall return...sooner or later.
I left off with the visit with my sisters Penny and Bonnie. I had missed out on meeting up with my cousin Mary and her husband Maurice from Canada, but luckily they are making another trip down here next week so we get to spend time together then.
Next week we will take a trip up to see Bryan in his new group home. He moved from the Private School to a group home, or will be hopefully by this Friday. While we are out I want to stop in and see my sister Bonnie, dropping her off things she doesn't have, but needs. Even though she lives in a assisted living home, they don't provide things like band aids, and I noticed that her heals are cracked really bad so I want to drop off some great cream and foot socks to help repair her feet.
Talking of moving. Samantha and David moved in with David's parents into one of my Dream Homes. Yes a home I have been eyeing for years, but from things Samantha has told me I wouldn't like much more then the space, Kitchen, and fireplaces, she said I would be really disappointed with the bathrooms, so I guess it really isn't my Dream Home after all, besides when they remodeled it they tore off the Green House which was the big seller for me.
For now they are trying things out to see how things go. They are paying about a third of the rent. Samantha plans on taking 6 months off once she has the baby, and then returning to work while going for her RN. They seem to have a plan and I wish them all the luck in the world to make their dreams come true. Oh by the way Samantha is officially a CNA.
We have been keeping ourselves busy with the normal, physical therapy, and Dr. appointments for Dennis, swimming and hanging out with friends for the girls. We have had many friends over this summer. Shopping, cleaning, and spending time with the kids has taken up most of the rest of the time. With all of this we have kept our date nights going, which is a God send. It gives us time for just ourselves while strengthening our marriage. More about that later.
Anyways there is so much to catch up everyone I and so little time for me to get it all down. I must get going so I can get dinner prepared for the family, but rest assured I shall return...sooner or later.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
What Marksville has been up too.
I can't believe we are half way through the summer and I haven't posted since my grand daughters Birthday so I will give you all a little update.
In June Dorothy Graduated from Kindergarten, and she received the Sunshine award. Her teacher made a great video of the kids, and even sent a letter over the summer asking us to update her on what the kids did over the summer. I believe I said this before, but my girls had some awesome teachers this year.
Below you can see Dorothy at her table after graduation in her classroom.
I was able to save up for my kitchen island which you can see below. My kitchen is coming along well. Only need a few more things to make it complete.
Also in June we had Deanna's 10 1/2 Birthday Party. Since her Birthday is in the middle of the winter and our winters have been pretty unpredictable we decided to do half birthday's for her. I think it turned out pretty well.
She had wanted a Princess Castle Cake which I made for her below.
Below you can see our mini sliders which we put on little rolls. The girls gobbled them up.
Here are all of the girls doing a pyramid in our living room.
As you can see they were ear to ear smiling the whole time.
Lots of fun and laughter for everyone.
Our biggest thing so far this summer was a visit from one of my bio sister's Penny and her family. They came all the way up from Virgina to visit with us.
We all met where my oldest sister Bonnie lives, and had a great day.
There never seems to be enough time to visit with each other, and a big dream of mine is to get a picture with all of my bio sisters someday.
Life is way to short not to enjoy the time you have with your family and loved ones.
From left to right top Me, Dennis, Bonnie, Daniel, Penny, Mason, Hana, Samantha
From left to right bottom Deanna, Dorothy, Myra, Dennise, Lillyann, and David.
Missing is my sister Bonnies kids Peter, and Dawn, and my two boys, Dennis III(Buke) and Bryan.
Most of the rest of our summer has been taken up with physical therapy for Dennis, Summer school for the girls, my merchandising job, watching Lilly, shopping, and going to many parties for our friends and family.
We have had time to have fun though. A trip to the mall, Build a Bear, several Movies, eating out, and having friends over.
Being busy is what we do.
Hope your summer is going well and would love to hear about what your family has been up too.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Lilly's 2nd Birthday and Cake orders.
We recently celebrated my grand-daughter Lilly's 2nd Birthday and a few months ago she picked out some cupcakes she wanted me to make.
Of course I made her Elmo her favorite Guy. I made them with chocolate cake mix, then used red icing, for the mouth I used Oreo cookies, the nose orange M&M's , and the eyes were white frosting with mini chocolate chips for the eyeballs.
And added Cookie Monster too since she loves him too. Cookie monster was made with white cake mix adding in mini chocolate chips because they are Cookie monster's favorite with, blue frosting. We used mini chips ahoy for the mouth, with white frosting for the eyes and mini chocolate chips for the eyeballs.
Here she is miss Lilly all ready to open presents.
We got her Cookie monster, and Elmo backpacks. I didn't take pictures of the Elmo outfit, Sponge Bob outfit, Sesame Street socks, Elmo cup or snack box we bought her, but we did get pictures of her favorites.
She had to put Elmo on right away
Here she is already to eat her yummy cupcakes.
Once people saw these cupcakes I had a few people put in requests for other things. One being the Butterfly Cake I had made a few years ago for Dorothy's birthday. As you can see I need lots of help with lettering but otherwise I think it came out well.
Until the next time I make care I bid you farewell.
Friday News from Marksville
Hello all, finally got a chance to check in with everyone. It has been busy here like usual, but with the Dorothy at her friends party, Dennise over helping out and visiting her friend, and Deanna playing with her friends, I might just have a few minutes to get something posted.
I had said something about Dorothy not feeling well in my last post and sure enough we ended up in the hospital with her on Sunday. I thought she had strep and was going to try and hold off until Tuesday when the Dr. office was open but by Sunday her fever was getting higher, and then she started to hold her side saying she couldn't breath, doubling over and then vomiting. I thought she might be having an appendicitis, as did the Dr, and when we got to the emergency room they were sure she was having one but the tests said she wasn't while her white blood count was through the roof.
They ended up doing a x-ray and found out that she had pneumonia which threw everyone off, and didn't coincide with her blood count so they looked further and even though her pee came back negative for an infection, they found leukocytes in it so they gave her medicine that would cure both the pneumonia and urinary tract infection. By the time they medicated her, gave her fluids, and her antibiotic by intravenous, she had started to smile, sing. The Dr. said they didn't have to keep her as long as I checked in with the Dr. the next day and took her to see her regular Dr. on Tuesday which we did and he let her return to school on Wednesday. She does have to go in next week to have more blood tests because her white blood count being that high still has the Dr. on guard.
Deanna is gearing up for her 1/2 birthday and sent out her cards the other day. She is super excited to finally be having a party which she hasn't had since 1st grade. She is in 4th now. Things just kept coming up in the winter and holidays that just didn't make for having a successful birthday party, so we decided to do the 1/2 birthday celebration.
Dorothy is doing well at Daisies and really loves her friends, and getting together with other mom's is always good for me too. Next week they will be making Dog Biscuits to take to the Animal Shelter as well as old blankets and towels. I am sure they will all enjoy helping out the animals in need.
I had said something about Dorothy not feeling well in my last post and sure enough we ended up in the hospital with her on Sunday. I thought she had strep and was going to try and hold off until Tuesday when the Dr. office was open but by Sunday her fever was getting higher, and then she started to hold her side saying she couldn't breath, doubling over and then vomiting. I thought she might be having an appendicitis, as did the Dr, and when we got to the emergency room they were sure she was having one but the tests said she wasn't while her white blood count was through the roof.
They ended up doing a x-ray and found out that she had pneumonia which threw everyone off, and didn't coincide with her blood count so they looked further and even though her pee came back negative for an infection, they found leukocytes in it so they gave her medicine that would cure both the pneumonia and urinary tract infection. By the time they medicated her, gave her fluids, and her antibiotic by intravenous, she had started to smile, sing. The Dr. said they didn't have to keep her as long as I checked in with the Dr. the next day and took her to see her regular Dr. on Tuesday which we did and he let her return to school on Wednesday. She does have to go in next week to have more blood tests because her white blood count being that high still has the Dr. on guard.
Deanna is gearing up for her 1/2 birthday and sent out her cards the other day. She is super excited to finally be having a party which she hasn't had since 1st grade. She is in 4th now. Things just kept coming up in the winter and holidays that just didn't make for having a successful birthday party, so we decided to do the 1/2 birthday celebration.
Dorothy is doing well at Daisies and really loves her friends, and getting together with other mom's is always good for me too. Next week they will be making Dog Biscuits to take to the Animal Shelter as well as old blankets and towels. I am sure they will all enjoy helping out the animals in need.
The other day we took the girls out to dinner at the Buffet near the mall and they talked Dennis into going inside the mall. He just went to game stop and then back to the car but I walked with the girls around the mall. Even though Dennise turned 16 in April she hasn't been anywhere where she could spend her money. I think after everything was said and done she has around 25.00 left.
We were lucky enough to find someplace where we could get her ear cartilage pierced. There is a place near by us but they never called back, or emailed so they lost our business. The next thing she is getting will be her nose pierced. Those are what she asked for besides the Keyboard I bought her that she has wanted for quite sometime.
Next year she will get her permit when she is 17 which is a tradition in our family so they can see how many accidents their friends have and it also gives them another year of maturing, which has worked out really well for both myself and my children so far. Don't fix what isn't broken I say.
Ok dinner is almost ready and the girls are waiting to go to the Flame concert at the school tonight. So will have to leave you for now. Enjoy reading.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
I set the clock for 30 minutes last night so I could get a head start on cleaning up my papers so I can file them away. We bought a second filing cabinet last month so we could get everything where it needs to be. Of course with being busy and taking care of Lilly I didn't have much time to get anything done, other then getting my magazines in the bottom drawers. They still need to be sorted and put back in.
I usually read my magazines and just pull out the pages I like and file them. With pinterest I can find most of it online and just throw the magazine in the recycle bin when done, but like I said before I haven't really done this in the last 6 years so they kind of took over a few areas of the house. Ok two drawers in my filing cabinet but nothing that can't be fixed in time.
Since they are out of the way the next area is my desk. The never ending pile of mess that even when I clean gets taken over very quickly with our busy schedule. So that 30 minutes which turned into much longer really gave me the motivation to do it again today when I get the other things done on my list.
Before my father died I was very organized even with being sick most of my life, but as time went by I was able to do less and less while things kind of got out of hand in our home. Not anywhere near a hoarder, as my husband and I like everything where it belongs, but enough to make us feel our house was dirty. The only thing that kept my husband sane about it all was when he would see other peoples houses with either the same problem or worse. Worse is always better to make you feel like you haven't gotten to that point yet, which is also a motivator, but he would still sometimes lose it and of course me feeling like a failure because I didn't have the energy to keep up with it didn't make things any better.
It took my husband a very long time to realize that something was really wrong with me, he was in denial for a long time, he has seen me unwell more then well so I am sure it had put a toll on him as well, but now that the Dr. has figured out once again something that is wrong with me, we have made progress, and when I get things done or do things he hasn't seen me do in a very long time he tells me how proud of me he is.
He still has days when he blows up about something small, but his injury has helped him realize that sometimes no matter how much you really want to do something, when you are in pain, or can't move a body part the way you would like, it isn't that you don't want to do something, it is that you can't do it, or need a little extra help doing something that should only take one person to do, and that has helped him with his own inner soul healing path.
Speaking of motivation I need to get moving, but like everything else my blog and readers were missing me. Hope you all are motivated by my writing to do a little at a time and you will be surprised by just how much you can get done.
Where did the month go?
In our home it can go in the blink of an eye depending on how busy we are and this month we were very busy. I picked up a second job or third job if you count my home child care business. Luckily right now all I have is my grand daughter so she goes along with me or stays with Papa while I am working. We have my husband's physical therapy, shopping, school performances, school activities, Daisies, after school activities, Dr.'s appointments and any other thing that comes along.
There aren't many days in the month where the girls don't have at least one friend overnight, which doesn't bother me. My house runs smoother with each and every addition. I think it just keeps me going. The house is getting more organized by the day.
We had kind of a rough go with it early on because my husband's check didn't show up and we ended up being late with rent, and got down to pennies in the bank. Ok we had one overcharge fee but it could have been much worse. Matter of fact we just got the check on Friday which was much needed and caught us back up with everything. Of course we got his second check a few days before the late check. Now to pay the other bills I put off waiting on the first check.
I have had a few painful days myself this month but mainly from over doing it. I am finding out how much I can push myself before it causes me pain. Like I said I am doing things that I haven't done in over 6 years. I even planted some tomatoes, cucumbers, yellow squash, and red peppers, now to sit back and see if we will be able to harvest. We had one tomato plant last year that was given to us and it did well so we added a few more plants this year.
Dennis had planned to make me raised gardens so I didn't have to bend over so much but with his injury that didn't happen. He does plan to get it done by next year though. While on the subject some of my friends from other sites know that I have tried to grow inside plants with no luck, so I am trying my hand on outside plants, if they do well, then I will try on inside plants again.
Even with everything being slow at the beginning of the month I was still able to save enough to get my kitchen island. Now for the girls to bring it in, and Dennis to put it together. He can do things that don't take much standing so this is right up his alley. He said he might even take his friends suggestion and paint from a chair so he can get some of the painting in the living room done, and if everything goes well he is going to touch up Deanna's room so her room will be finished.
Someday we will get to our room but until then as long as they kids are taken care of and I have a bed to sleep on I am fine. By the way the next thing I am saving for is two new desks for Dennis and I. I love being able to bookmark or pin things I would like to get. I should make a dream board if I ever have the time.
Today the girls are going to try to swim up at the state park. Yesterday it was raining and they were bummed they couldn't go. I think it is too cold, but hey they love to swim and the school pool is still closed because they can't get the water right for some reason, so more power to them to keep up with the things they love to do. Dorothy didn't go because I know it is too cold for her, besides that I think she might be getting sick. Dennis is sleeping in as we didn't go to bed before 4:30 am. I looked at the clock and said oh my didn't know it was that late and we were off to bed.
I have already cleaned, swept, and mopped the upstairs bathroom. Princess has been walked and fed, now it is time to change out the laundry and do the few dishes that were on the counter as I passed them this morning. I have clothes to fold and hope to get back in the computer room to go through more papers. I think that is about it for us. Will have another post up in a few, God willing.
There aren't many days in the month where the girls don't have at least one friend overnight, which doesn't bother me. My house runs smoother with each and every addition. I think it just keeps me going. The house is getting more organized by the day.
We had kind of a rough go with it early on because my husband's check didn't show up and we ended up being late with rent, and got down to pennies in the bank. Ok we had one overcharge fee but it could have been much worse. Matter of fact we just got the check on Friday which was much needed and caught us back up with everything. Of course we got his second check a few days before the late check. Now to pay the other bills I put off waiting on the first check.
I have had a few painful days myself this month but mainly from over doing it. I am finding out how much I can push myself before it causes me pain. Like I said I am doing things that I haven't done in over 6 years. I even planted some tomatoes, cucumbers, yellow squash, and red peppers, now to sit back and see if we will be able to harvest. We had one tomato plant last year that was given to us and it did well so we added a few more plants this year.
Dennis had planned to make me raised gardens so I didn't have to bend over so much but with his injury that didn't happen. He does plan to get it done by next year though. While on the subject some of my friends from other sites know that I have tried to grow inside plants with no luck, so I am trying my hand on outside plants, if they do well, then I will try on inside plants again.
Even with everything being slow at the beginning of the month I was still able to save enough to get my kitchen island. Now for the girls to bring it in, and Dennis to put it together. He can do things that don't take much standing so this is right up his alley. He said he might even take his friends suggestion and paint from a chair so he can get some of the painting in the living room done, and if everything goes well he is going to touch up Deanna's room so her room will be finished.
Someday we will get to our room but until then as long as they kids are taken care of and I have a bed to sleep on I am fine. By the way the next thing I am saving for is two new desks for Dennis and I. I love being able to bookmark or pin things I would like to get. I should make a dream board if I ever have the time.
Today the girls are going to try to swim up at the state park. Yesterday it was raining and they were bummed they couldn't go. I think it is too cold, but hey they love to swim and the school pool is still closed because they can't get the water right for some reason, so more power to them to keep up with the things they love to do. Dorothy didn't go because I know it is too cold for her, besides that I think she might be getting sick. Dennis is sleeping in as we didn't go to bed before 4:30 am. I looked at the clock and said oh my didn't know it was that late and we were off to bed.
I have already cleaned, swept, and mopped the upstairs bathroom. Princess has been walked and fed, now it is time to change out the laundry and do the few dishes that were on the counter as I passed them this morning. I have clothes to fold and hope to get back in the computer room to go through more papers. I think that is about it for us. Will have another post up in a few, God willing.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Dennise turns 16.
Like I said last weekend was busy. Friday Dennis had physical therapy, plus we had to pick up things for my daughter's party for Sunday. We went to Sam's club, picked up my camera, and then ate at the Chinese Buffet.
Saturday I cleaned the house and got things ready for my daughter's sweet sixteen. Totally sucks that we couldn't give her the huge party we had planned, but with my husband out of work it just didn't work out. It all turned out well though. We ended out running out again because of all things I forgot to get ice cream and soda for the party. I told you I couldn't remember.
She had several friends come and spend the night. There was no Drama, it was wonderful hearing all of the girls laughing together and seeing my daughter smile. It doesn't take lots of money to make her happy. Spending time with her friends and family was the best gift she could receive.
Sunday was the big day. I made her cake which was a orange mustache cake, which by the way came out pretty well, and thank God we didn't have a huge party there was no way it would have been enough. My daughter wanted my famous pudding frosting and everyone loved it. I even had to send a piece over to one of our neighbors/friends fathers so he could enjoy some.
This was early on in the day when the girls that had stayed the night were just waiting for others to show up.
Here she is below my Dennise. Her hair is not usually this light is it closer to my hair color and will be turned back normal at the end of summer. This was suppose to be the dress she wore for her big party. We told her to put it on and let us take some pictures.
Two friends my daughter Samantha had to pick up later, my husband, myself and Samantha's boyfriend are missing from the photo.
She might not have had a lot of friends or gifts but she said this was one of the best parties she has ever had, and her friends all said they had a great weekend too. One of the best they said. They were all sad for Dennise though that so many people who said they were going to come didn't.
Now this week she has been bringing home gifts from some of the friends who couldn't make it which was very sweet of them to do, and made Dennise very happy. She would have loved to share her special day with them as well, but at least they thought of her, and bought her gifts.
Happy Sweet Sixteen Sweetie.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
The week is coming to an end.
Sunday we were able to see Dennise in "Guys and Dolls". It was fun to see her sing at the beginning, and then act throughout the musical. The drama club did a great job, much better then I had thought they would.
Monday we headed out early so I could do my job, then to physical therapy for Dennis. Once we were done there we headed out to celebrate our Birthdays, with a stop in between to visit Bryan for a while.
Dennis stopped at several Game Stops while out and about, We got a 60 day pass for BJ's in the mail so we took advantage of that and bought a few things there. Went to lunch at Panera bread, loved it and got a free treat with my card.
We stopped by our favorite furniture store to do a little dreaming for down the road a bit. Fell in love with a couch there, and actually got to see the wall unit I have had bookmarked up close and in person. Dennis approved but it wouldn't fit in our currant Living room, but like I said before a little dreaming. While there we also looked at a new mattress for us. Not that we can get it now but we will be in the market in the next few years. We left with sizes, and layout plans to maybe return sometime in the future and order.
We had dinner after visiting Bryan at Olive Garden. It was one of the worst experiences we have ever had. Dennis did write them a long letter on how things were. Let's see if they make things right. Then we were off to the mall. I picked out a new purse and wallet. Dennis bought me a new cover for my new upgraded cell phone as well.
I picked up some things for the girls at Claires while Dennis was checking out more games at another store. Then we met and saw a movie. Pain and Gain, much more different then what we had expected. It was too late to get dessert at Cheese Cake Factory so we settled with stopping at Walmart and while looking through the store we ate some Ice Cream. It was a wonderful ending to quite the Busy Birthday Celebration.
Tuesday we opened presents with the kids. I bought Dennis a Candle making kit. He has always melted down our old wax so that he could someday make candles but never bought wicks to do it. Now he has a whole kit. Wonder what he will make first. He bought me comic books that early in our marriage he had sold of mine without permission. He is a keeper for sure.
Wednesday was the big day for Dennis to turn 41. Yes we are only a day apart. If both of our parents had gone to the same hospital we would have met each other then. My mother-in-law had stopped by while Dennis was still asleep with our cards. She still hasn't gotten anything for the girls for their birthdays though. Later in the evening we had cake and blew out the one candle the kids put in the cake. I ended up going to bed very early. Been very tired lately.
Today we went over did my job and then spent the rest of the day cleaning, and relaxing. We had breakfast for dinner, and the kids actually made it to bed on time. Go figure. Will be heading to bed myself soon. Have another busy day tomorrow and actually the rest of the weekend. There is always lots going on here in Marksville. Have a good night everyone.
Monday we headed out early so I could do my job, then to physical therapy for Dennis. Once we were done there we headed out to celebrate our Birthdays, with a stop in between to visit Bryan for a while.
Dennis stopped at several Game Stops while out and about, We got a 60 day pass for BJ's in the mail so we took advantage of that and bought a few things there. Went to lunch at Panera bread, loved it and got a free treat with my card.
We stopped by our favorite furniture store to do a little dreaming for down the road a bit. Fell in love with a couch there, and actually got to see the wall unit I have had bookmarked up close and in person. Dennis approved but it wouldn't fit in our currant Living room, but like I said before a little dreaming. While there we also looked at a new mattress for us. Not that we can get it now but we will be in the market in the next few years. We left with sizes, and layout plans to maybe return sometime in the future and order.
We had dinner after visiting Bryan at Olive Garden. It was one of the worst experiences we have ever had. Dennis did write them a long letter on how things were. Let's see if they make things right. Then we were off to the mall. I picked out a new purse and wallet. Dennis bought me a new cover for my new upgraded cell phone as well.
I picked up some things for the girls at Claires while Dennis was checking out more games at another store. Then we met and saw a movie. Pain and Gain, much more different then what we had expected. It was too late to get dessert at Cheese Cake Factory so we settled with stopping at Walmart and while looking through the store we ate some Ice Cream. It was a wonderful ending to quite the Busy Birthday Celebration.
Tuesday we opened presents with the kids. I bought Dennis a Candle making kit. He has always melted down our old wax so that he could someday make candles but never bought wicks to do it. Now he has a whole kit. Wonder what he will make first. He bought me comic books that early in our marriage he had sold of mine without permission. He is a keeper for sure.
Wednesday was the big day for Dennis to turn 41. Yes we are only a day apart. If both of our parents had gone to the same hospital we would have met each other then. My mother-in-law had stopped by while Dennis was still asleep with our cards. She still hasn't gotten anything for the girls for their birthdays though. Later in the evening we had cake and blew out the one candle the kids put in the cake. I ended up going to bed very early. Been very tired lately.
Today we went over did my job and then spent the rest of the day cleaning, and relaxing. We had breakfast for dinner, and the kids actually made it to bed on time. Go figure. Will be heading to bed myself soon. Have another busy day tomorrow and actually the rest of the weekend. There is always lots going on here in Marksville. Have a good night everyone.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Sunday update
I left you with spring cleaning in Marksville. With our busy schedule I am still working on the spring cleaning part of it. Upstairs is next. Today I have laundry, and dishes to do. We have been very busy with appointments, birthdays, and school activities that I haven't been able to keep up here.
Deanna and Dorothy are playing outside enjoying the nice weather, while I have started a load of laundry and am going to start the dishes after this post. I have to also drop Dennise off at school for her third performance in "Guys and Dolls". I hope to be able to view it today.
I have taken the plunge and bought my own domain under marksvilleandme.com if you re interested in checking it out. It is linked to my blogger so you can view it pretty much anytime. I am still working my other job and hope to pick up another one soon. With blogging and doing several other mystery shops on top of that I hope to be able to bring up what we are making so we can get things we would like and start saving money so if anything happens we have a little saved a way to get us through.
Dennis is still out of work, they now have him off until June 1st, and I don't think he will be back to work after that either. He isn't off of the crutches yet and still has his brace on. The new brace is already wearing out. I hope that they will pay for new straps so that it will stay where it needs to be. It just slips off his leg when he is upright now.
His job is also talking about layoffs so they might be laid off before he even goes back to work unless they get some new orders. I guess if that happens he will at least have more time to heal properly and grow muscle in his leg, so that it is stronger. He just wants to be able to paint the rooms upstairs but isn't able to because he can't stand on his legs too long.
He has filled his time with playing games, and selling stuff on ebay that he had just laying around. He has done pretty well. He has even had buyers from China, Spain, Canada, and Japan.
The kids are doing well in school and soon we will have all of the spring concerts to attend. This school year has gone by so fast, but any mother can understand how fast their child's life goes by and poof they are adults off doing the things they want to do and taking care of their own children.
My mother always said to enjoy them while they are little because it goes by quickly. Even though we have 6 children it just wizzes by and before you know it their child hood is gone. I am glad I took the time to sit and watch my children grow, and enjoy as much as I could of their time as children. So many wonderful memories flood to my mind when I think of them each and every day. Children really are our future.
Ok time for me to get the dishes done before dropping Dennise off. Have a great day everyone.
Deanna and Dorothy are playing outside enjoying the nice weather, while I have started a load of laundry and am going to start the dishes after this post. I have to also drop Dennise off at school for her third performance in "Guys and Dolls". I hope to be able to view it today.
I have taken the plunge and bought my own domain under marksvilleandme.com if you re interested in checking it out. It is linked to my blogger so you can view it pretty much anytime. I am still working my other job and hope to pick up another one soon. With blogging and doing several other mystery shops on top of that I hope to be able to bring up what we are making so we can get things we would like and start saving money so if anything happens we have a little saved a way to get us through.
Dennis is still out of work, they now have him off until June 1st, and I don't think he will be back to work after that either. He isn't off of the crutches yet and still has his brace on. The new brace is already wearing out. I hope that they will pay for new straps so that it will stay where it needs to be. It just slips off his leg when he is upright now.
His job is also talking about layoffs so they might be laid off before he even goes back to work unless they get some new orders. I guess if that happens he will at least have more time to heal properly and grow muscle in his leg, so that it is stronger. He just wants to be able to paint the rooms upstairs but isn't able to because he can't stand on his legs too long.
He has filled his time with playing games, and selling stuff on ebay that he had just laying around. He has done pretty well. He has even had buyers from China, Spain, Canada, and Japan.
The kids are doing well in school and soon we will have all of the spring concerts to attend. This school year has gone by so fast, but any mother can understand how fast their child's life goes by and poof they are adults off doing the things they want to do and taking care of their own children.
My mother always said to enjoy them while they are little because it goes by quickly. Even though we have 6 children it just wizzes by and before you know it their child hood is gone. I am glad I took the time to sit and watch my children grow, and enjoy as much as I could of their time as children. So many wonderful memories flood to my mind when I think of them each and every day. Children really are our future.
Ok time for me to get the dishes done before dropping Dennise off. Have a great day everyone.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Spring Cleaning in Marksville
We had quite the busy week starting Easter Sunday. We had a big family dinner with Samantha, Lilly, and David. We went to bed early because Monday we were on the run first I took our van down to get inspected. I kept saying all month I would take it down and guess who was in the day after it expired getting it inspected. Yes you guessed it me. Once home we took Dennis to his Physical Therapy appointment, then Dennise to her Dentist appointment, and then to get her finger measured. Tuesday was my appointment which went well. The Dr. is keeping me on the dosage I am taking right now because I am doing well. I have an appointment to go back in 3 months, which is around the same time the kids have their physicals for school.
Wednesday I ended up starting my job with last minute notice, but everything worked out just fine. Thursday Dennis had physical therapy again, then we stopped at Staples to spend our reward bucks. I walked out only paying .26 for my order. We stopped to spend my husband's gift card that he got from his job to buy different gift cards, one for Microsoft points, and one for Lowe's to bring me closer to getting our new refrigerator.
Next stop was Walmart to pick up the cell phone for my job, and some games that Dennis bought with money he made off of ebay selling his items. I found some really great deals. 1.00 and 2.00 T-Shirts for Deanna and Dorothy. All they need are shorts for summer and they will be ready. We then did our grocery shopping and boy did we do a great job at saving money and staying within our budget. With living on workman's comp we have to stretch every dollar.
Today I went and did my job which took me all of 5-10 minutes. We also stopped at Staples because Dennis was looking for something but of course they didn't have what he wanted, and I was bummed because this Staples didn't have the Martha Stewart Collection.
Have you seen the Martha Stewart Collection at Staples? It is awesome, if you haven't and get the chance, check it out. I will be stopping by our local Staples to pick some of the items I want up, since the other day the cash register spit out a 25% off my total of order from the Martha Stewart collection. In case you couldn't tell. I love a good bargain, and anything that makes life a little bit easier so I can spend more time with my loved ones is a win, win situation for me.
Dennise cleared out the back bathroom pantry and put the bathroom stuff in the pantry, which saved me a lot of work, then I worked on the totes, while Deanna swept the porch. It looks great. We have to get rid of the portable crib out there, and I have to go through their kitchen toys, other then that I think it is done.
My next project is painting the two Doll house double sided book cases and setting one up in the living room, and the other one upstairs for the girls to play with. I was able to find some really nice red bins for the one that will be in our living room. I am still on the search for bins for the girls rooms, but soon enough I will find what I am looking for.
I think I might tackle the Hair accessory drawers. We have two of those plastic 6 drawer units stacked to house all of their barrettes, pony tails, ribbons, and headbands. With having 4 girls, a granddaughter and tons of other visiting girls, so we go through a lot of hair styling.
Well the time has come to do snuggles and stories with the kids. Tomorrow comes early. Luckily it is just getting coupons and then home to see what I can do next in the house. I guess you can say that Spring Cleaning has officially begun in Marksville.
Wednesday I ended up starting my job with last minute notice, but everything worked out just fine. Thursday Dennis had physical therapy again, then we stopped at Staples to spend our reward bucks. I walked out only paying .26 for my order. We stopped to spend my husband's gift card that he got from his job to buy different gift cards, one for Microsoft points, and one for Lowe's to bring me closer to getting our new refrigerator.
Next stop was Walmart to pick up the cell phone for my job, and some games that Dennis bought with money he made off of ebay selling his items. I found some really great deals. 1.00 and 2.00 T-Shirts for Deanna and Dorothy. All they need are shorts for summer and they will be ready. We then did our grocery shopping and boy did we do a great job at saving money and staying within our budget. With living on workman's comp we have to stretch every dollar.
Today I went and did my job which took me all of 5-10 minutes. We also stopped at Staples because Dennis was looking for something but of course they didn't have what he wanted, and I was bummed because this Staples didn't have the Martha Stewart Collection.
Have you seen the Martha Stewart Collection at Staples? It is awesome, if you haven't and get the chance, check it out. I will be stopping by our local Staples to pick some of the items I want up, since the other day the cash register spit out a 25% off my total of order from the Martha Stewart collection. In case you couldn't tell. I love a good bargain, and anything that makes life a little bit easier so I can spend more time with my loved ones is a win, win situation for me.
Dennise cleared out the back bathroom pantry and put the bathroom stuff in the pantry, which saved me a lot of work, then I worked on the totes, while Deanna swept the porch. It looks great. We have to get rid of the portable crib out there, and I have to go through their kitchen toys, other then that I think it is done.
My next project is painting the two Doll house double sided book cases and setting one up in the living room, and the other one upstairs for the girls to play with. I was able to find some really nice red bins for the one that will be in our living room. I am still on the search for bins for the girls rooms, but soon enough I will find what I am looking for.
I think I might tackle the Hair accessory drawers. We have two of those plastic 6 drawer units stacked to house all of their barrettes, pony tails, ribbons, and headbands. With having 4 girls, a granddaughter and tons of other visiting girls, so we go through a lot of hair styling.
Well the time has come to do snuggles and stories with the kids. Tomorrow comes early. Luckily it is just getting coupons and then home to see what I can do next in the house. I guess you can say that Spring Cleaning has officially begun in Marksville.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Easter is almost here.
Yesterday's post says Friday but it was actually for Thursdays date, must have gotten it published after midnight. So I will combine the real Friday news with todays news, somehow I am just a day behind but that is ok.
I woke up yesterday and my back pain was gone. I am so glad because I had a lot to get done. We had a family meeting in the morning, and we made plans to go and see Bryan the day after vacation for a family session and of course to celebrate his Birthday. He knows that he will be in a new room when he comes home, and that decorating it is part of his Birthday present. I was able to get some ideas on the phone last night on what he would like. I can totally work with what he gave me, now to the planning board to get it done for him.
Dennise ended up taking Dorothy and Deanna up to the park since it was so nice outside, and while they were out Dennis and I took advantage of the time and went to see "The Host" which was really good. They could have made it a bit shorter and cut about a half hour off or they could have made it longer and made it into a miniseries. It was a movie that could really go either way. I enjoyed it though.
When we got home we had pizza with the kids, and then decorated our Easter eggs. We went with marbleizing them this year which turned out quite well. You can see them over at What Marksville does for Fun.
We all went off to bed around the same time and awoke early this morning to get ready for the Easter egg hunt that our community puts on. Samantha and Lilly made it just in time. Lilly found a Golden egg this year, but did not want to sit on the Bunny's lap. The girls had their pictures with the Bunny and then we waited for the raffle numbers to be called. We didn't win but we had a good time together.
I woke up yesterday and my back pain was gone. I am so glad because I had a lot to get done. We had a family meeting in the morning, and we made plans to go and see Bryan the day after vacation for a family session and of course to celebrate his Birthday. He knows that he will be in a new room when he comes home, and that decorating it is part of his Birthday present. I was able to get some ideas on the phone last night on what he would like. I can totally work with what he gave me, now to the planning board to get it done for him.
Dennise ended up taking Dorothy and Deanna up to the park since it was so nice outside, and while they were out Dennis and I took advantage of the time and went to see "The Host" which was really good. They could have made it a bit shorter and cut about a half hour off or they could have made it longer and made it into a miniseries. It was a movie that could really go either way. I enjoyed it though.
When we got home we had pizza with the kids, and then decorated our Easter eggs. We went with marbleizing them this year which turned out quite well. You can see them over at What Marksville does for Fun.
We all went off to bed around the same time and awoke early this morning to get ready for the Easter egg hunt that our community puts on. Samantha and Lilly made it just in time. Lilly found a Golden egg this year, but did not want to sit on the Bunny's lap. The girls had their pictures with the Bunny and then we waited for the raffle numbers to be called. We didn't win but we had a good time together.
My girls from left to right.
Samantha, my grand daughter Lilly, Dorothy, Deanna, and Dennise.
I dropped Dennise off at play practice and have to pick her up in a few hours, other then that today will be a laid back day, except for doing dishes, and folding clothes.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Feeling Accomplished
I feel so accomplished today. I was able to get our shopping done, Easter supplies bought, Easter Dinner thought out, the pantry reorganized, refrigerator cleaned out, floors mopped, laundry and dishes done, on top of cleaning out a few other places around the house, all with my back not quite up to par. It feels like my arthritis today and from hearing some other people in our area theirs has been flaring up as well. I guess Spring is on its way.
The kids start their Spring Vacation tomorrow which means egg decorating for us. Dennis and I are really impressed with a new way to decorate eggs this year and actually both started talking about it at the same time this evening. I guess great minds think alike.
Saturday we have the community Easter Egg Hunt which the kids enjoy, and after we have pictures with the Easter bunny. We also put a little money into the raffles for baskets we would like to win. Right after I have to drop Dennise off at Practice for the Musical, and then home for a while to fold clothes, and work on the baskets on the porch that I have yet to go through.
During vacation week the kids and I will continue on working on getting their rooms done upstairs, and putting things away. It is so nice to see their rooms coming together. It has been a long time since there has been order in their rooms, without me doing it all pretty much myself. I am so thankful for the medicine and all it has done for me so far with my Fibromyalgia.
I guess I should change out the laundry and get Dennis his snack before heading to bed myself. We have an early family appointment in the morning, and a full day of activities ahead, as well as having Lilly for the day.
The kids start their Spring Vacation tomorrow which means egg decorating for us. Dennis and I are really impressed with a new way to decorate eggs this year and actually both started talking about it at the same time this evening. I guess great minds think alike.
Saturday we have the community Easter Egg Hunt which the kids enjoy, and after we have pictures with the Easter bunny. We also put a little money into the raffles for baskets we would like to win. Right after I have to drop Dennise off at Practice for the Musical, and then home for a while to fold clothes, and work on the baskets on the porch that I have yet to go through.
During vacation week the kids and I will continue on working on getting their rooms done upstairs, and putting things away. It is so nice to see their rooms coming together. It has been a long time since there has been order in their rooms, without me doing it all pretty much myself. I am so thankful for the medicine and all it has done for me so far with my Fibromyalgia.
I guess I should change out the laundry and get Dennis his snack before heading to bed myself. We have an early family appointment in the morning, and a full day of activities ahead, as well as having Lilly for the day.
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