We have been quite busy here in Marksville the last few months leaving me only enough time to keep a few of my blogs updated at any given time. If you see some of my other blogs here you will see I have been doing some more reviews, as well as getting my first sponsored give a way which was really nice. I hope to get a few more now that I am getting better at getting my blogs up.
Today was a easy quite day. Although I didn't get the clothes folded, I did get the noise the van was making fixed and it didn't cost us a thing. The Dealer just had to make right what they should have to begin with. I do have to say I was sweating because with only a few dollars in the bank I wouldn't have been able to pay them if I wanted too. I also took care of a few things on line and even got to chat with one of my Gather friends on the phone.
We recently paid off a big bill and are well on our way to paying off yet another bill, which is really nice. A few weekends ago we took Samantha to get her Prom Dress, and accessories, then last week we took Dennise out to get some much needed clothes, not that Samantha doesn't need new clothes she just picked her Prom Dress over getting some new clothes. Her 18th Birthday is coming up in a few days and she will be getting her permit to drive. She is also hoping to land a real nice job this summer to start saving up for some wheels of her own. Dennis and I both worked for our first set of wheels so we expect our kids to do the same.
Deanna has been busy with her after school programs, while Dorothy will be getting ready for kindergarten round up pretty soon. I actually got the papers in the mail today. Bryan just had his 15th Birthday and we hope to be able to go up and visit him soon. Dennis has been putting in as much overtime as he can so we can pay down our bills that much faster, so we haven't really had time to go up to do a family meeting with his counselor which has changed yet again in a very long time. Their schedule and ours just don't see eye to eye.
Buke and Taylor have moved into a new apartment which is much bigger and they don't have to hide their cat anymore. Her name is Sable and she has her very own room. Unless they decide to have kids Sable is all I am getting, and I won't even see great grand children from her as they got her fixed...bummer. Buke is working on his magic for his next set of shows, so he has been busy with that as well as Taylor deciding to work full time until she changes college's and goes back to her original dream of being a Chef.
My human grand daughter Lilly will soon be one year old and is just the cutest thing. She reminds me so much of her mother, and she is so well behaved, much like my kids were. She just makes me so proud each and every day as well as Samantha she is doing a great job raising Lilly.
Dennise is so busy with all of the things she is doing in school we just need to keep track of what thing she is doing and where she needs to be. She has several concerts coming up, as well as the play, and what ever else she decides to get involved with. She is a great helper and doesn't mind volunteering for different activities.
As for me I recently saw the Surgeon for my Neck and once I see the next set of Dr.s and they set up a time, I will be getting the lump in my neck removed. The surgeon wants it out, so that is what we are going to do. Until we went to that visit Dennis wasn't too worried about it. For a few days after he was very easily upset by things and dealt with them the only way he knows how which is by being angry at everyone and everything. Of course that week was full of surprises so that didn't help things one little bit with his anger, but they say everyone deals with emotions in different ways and this is how he does it. Even though I am a bit worried about what the future holds I will trust in God to see Marksville through, he is always there for us, always leading us.
I hope to be back again soon to fill you in on some other things that Marksville has been working on. There are not many days we are not busy, and believe me busy is good for us. Have a great night everyone, and don't be afraid to comment.